Accreditation is a quality infrastructure created to support the reliability and validity of the services carried out by conformity assessment bodies and issued conformity certificates (test and inspection reports, calibration certificates, management system certificates, product certificates, personnel certificates, etc.) as a result of these services.
Accreditation of conformity assessment bodies is carried out on the basis of international standards that determine the qualification criteria for the relevant conformity assessment bodies, the requirements specific to the relevant sector and the requirements recognized worldwide, defined in the guidance documents set by regional or international accreditation bodies.
Accreditation activities must:
- be undertaken impartially;
- be objective, transparent and effective;
- use assessors (and subcontractors) that are reliable, ethical and competent in both accreditation processes and the relevant technical fields.
At the point of global acceptance of accredited certificates, there are a few top-level associations which accreditation bodies are linked. Thus, a certificate bearing the accreditation of any accreditation body is accepted by all other bodies and organizations within the scope of this structure. The trust mechanism among the accreditation bodies is established through multilateral recognition agreements with international or regional organizations such as IAF (International Accreditation Forum), ILAC (International Laboratory Accreditation Association), EA (European Accreditation Association) etc.
Accreditation was predominantly seen as a voluntary activity, but as many governments began to be widely adopted and more governments and regulatory agencies appreciate the benefits accreditation provides them to fulfil their responsibilities to protect the public from the harm of non-standard products and services. It has become compulsory. Although there is no such thing as the prohibition of non-accredited certification activities, accredited certificates are always at the forefront in terms of trust and acceptability. The reliability of non-accredited certificates is limited to the reliability of the conformity assessment body.
Accreditation has many benefits for many elements of society such as for governments, business, accredited organizations and consumers.
In terms of governments;
It is increasingly recognized as a more valuable tool in a wide range of government policy areas, including better community, good governance, fair markets and public trust. It is used by governments to implement their policies more efficiently and as an effective tool to help fulfil their obligations in various areas such as health, food production, energy supply, climate change, information security and personal security.
• Reduces the need for central and local authorities to employ their own expert assessment staff. Accreditation ensures that governments rely on providers of commercial evaluation and inspection services.
• It creates business and public trust.
• It provides an alternative to the Regulation while ensuring the trust, health and safety of the public or the reliability of activities that have the potential to affect the environment.
• Enables innovation in the private and public sectors.
In terms of business;
Companies purchase independent assessments on a voluntary basis (for example, to reduce the risk of product failure, reduce customer complaints) or as a result of legal requirements (such as health and safety regulations). Most commonly these evaluations are calibration of measurement equipment, product testing, equipment inspection, and certification of management systems. In this sense, accreditation:
• Choosing an accredited organization is an important step for effective decision making and risk management.
• Organizations can save time and money by choosing an accredited service provider as competent supplier.
• Reliable measurements, tests and inspections are carried out in accordance with best practices to limit product failure, reduce downtime and control production costs.
• Accredited services based on internationally recognized standards can provide competitive advantage and facilitate access to export markets.
In terms of accredited certification bodies;
• Competition advantage: Accreditation provides an independent assurance that the staff is competent and enables competition with larger organizations.
• Access to the market: Accreditation is determined by an increasing number of public and private sector institutions. It creates global opportunities for organizations that have a globally recognized and accepted accreditation.
• Accreditation provides opportunities for better corporate efficiency and outputs, highlighting gaps in capabilities.
• There are a number of insurance brokers and insurers that accept accreditation as an important factor in risk assessment and therefore can provide lower premiums.
In terms of consumers;
• When they want to buy a product or service in a field that does not have expertise, they feel confident that the suitability is confirmed by an independent organization they can trust.
• They minimize the risks they may face in a serious competitive environment in the globalizing world.
• They have the confidence to know that there are upper institutions they can apply to when they face any problems.
We have two options, such as getting support from an authorized expert or an ordinary mechanic when an electrical item in your car or home fails. An ordinary repairman may be cheaper and may be more willing to fulfil your wishes that do not fit into the product’s structure. However, you may not be sure of the repair service it provides, after a short time, if there is a malfunction again. In such case, nobody may take responsibility, and even the operations may cause other more costly malfunctions. You may not find anyone to whom you can get interlocutors and compensate for your damage. In order to avoid such situations, many of us prefer to get support from the authorized service. By choosing accredited certifications in the corporate world, we minimize our risks by providing service from an accredited certification body.